A Dab of History in your condiment
Condiments tell stories too...a dab can have a history too.

Have a Millet a day...serve up some Kodo Millet Vegetable Biryani
Kodo Millet is one of the positive millets or 'Siridhanyaalu' since it is easy to digest, rich in antioxidants, prevents the occurrence...

Diwali Delights
This year , I dedicate this festival of lights to my parents , whom I shall miss so much this Diwali. Light up within and spread...

The Humble Biryani for Midweek Meals
Midweek, everyone needs a little boost . Why not something delicious and light for lunch or dinner ? I have been searching for an easy...

Make it Moringa Mondays
Native to India , the moringa tree has been serving as a traditional medicine to many since ancient times . It has several benefits not...

Bake a Millet Brownie and say 'Mmm'
I have a number of chocolate brownie recipes on my blog and I don't think I can ever stop baking them in different ways. I wanted to bake...

Pamper yourself on Holiday lunches with Almond Crust Vegetable Quiche
Fridays are holidays here and its time when the family unwinds and does look forward to a lunch that means 'together time' and that also...

Lohri Delights
Wishing all a very happy Lohri ... the harvest festival of North India to welcome longer sunny days . As children , we never did miss our...

A New Year Treat
Edible Flower pressed Oat cookies are definitely a New Year Treat ! Use the Oat cookie recipe already in the blog .Before baking , press...

#SayYesToNaturalSugar with a Vanilla , Oats and Jaggery Cake
Great for kiddies ! As my daughter terms it as a “Great breakfast muffin “! This cake is a take on from Bobby Flays orange glazed vanilla...