Desi Food and Drama's!
While on American sitcoms , one sees the actors gorge on pizzas , burgers , pancakes , and their kitchens stocked with canned food and...

Aswini's Millet and Coconut Neer Dosa
' Nature teaches us simplicity and contentment because in it's presence we realize we need very little to be happy '- Mark Coleman Dosa's...

Healthy Millet Idlis for Breakfast ..
Banyard Millet or Sanwa / Samvat ke chawal or Jhangora is usually used in dishes during fasting days. I cannot stress enough the...

Wake up with delicious Khageena .. savory scrambled eggs
Maybe someday I travel to the great city of Hyderabad in India which is a foodies paradise . For the time being , I indulge in Khageena...